Friday 5 August 2011

The sky is falling!

Oh no, we're in Credit Crunch Mark II! The FTSE is plummeting, Eurozone confidence has hit rock bottom, the Euro is becoming a byword for failure and we're all going to see our investments disappear!

No, I don't understand anything about the financial world. I don't have the faintest idea what's going on in the economy - my understanding of money only stretches so far as to understand a note is a promissory note. To be perfectly frank, the concept of 'money' in the modern sense slightly scares me. People forget that money is simply a medium of exchange, and it becomes everything to them. Personally, I'm much more comfortable with the idea of trading and bartering things. The vast sums of money that wirelessly move around the globe mean absolutely nothing to me, as I realised long ago that this 'currency' doesn't actually exist. Where in the past currency used to be gold coin or something of the like, it made slightly more sense. But in the present day, where worth is determined not by necessity or desire, but by computer algorithms and probabilities, currency makes no sense to me.

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